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Why do companies choose Letterdrop?

Learn how our customers tackle these common marketing projects.

Save hours on researching SERPs

You spend hours dissecting what competing pages have covered or haven't. Should you include a video? Or add a section? Our AI analyzes top pages and tells you what's missing.

Get visitors to high converting pages

Use AI to automatically insert semantically relevant internal links. Or bulk find and replace specific keywords across your content. See 20% more traffic to high converting pages.

Manage writers and publish to Webflow, WordPress, HubSpot

Letterdrop makes it simple to manage approvals and workflows for dozens of writers. Descript, Motion, Scribe scaled content ops effortlessly.

Use real insights from interviews, podcasts, and video

Use AI to turn videos and podcasts into blog content with a single click. Letterdrop AI will even interview experts for you. Celigo, Rize, and Eppo make their SEO content unique with these insights.

Understand revenue impact of SEO

HubSpot only gives you last touch. But buyers often visit many pages over months before entering a sales cycle. Companies like Eppo use Letterdrop to track that activity to report how your content influences pipeline and revenue.

Managing their blog on Webflow

78% of our customers chose Letterdrop as a CMS for our quality-of-life improvements we make to managing SEO for blogs hosted on Webflow.

Try it yourself

Competitive gap analysis

The future of SEO goes beyond just keywords

Google rewards meaningful, helpful content—not something that could have been copy-pasted from a competitor.

Letterdrop's AI-powered Content Gap Analysis scans through top-ranking competitor pages, identifies all the content gaps primed for you to capture, suggests stats, intent, topics, and whitespace to cover so you're always producing defensible content that your prospects will actually find valuable.

AI-powered in-line expert interviews

Capture SME interviews with the help of AI

You need defensible, first-party data and media if you want to drive qualified traffic from Google.
Simply send your question to an expert, they'll record their answer, our AI will caption the video and add your logo ready to upload to YouTube so you can embed it in your blog post.Google rewards content that shows unique perspectives, expertise, and experience.

Creating great content works

Scribe's paid signups went up 11x in 1 year

Scribe has seen astronomical growth from SEO using Letterdrop in just 12 months.

Read the case study

Increased Traffic

They went from 6k search visits per month to 70k


More signups

Uptick of 1,736% in sign ups from search


Paid search leads

Saw 1,100% increase in signups from paid search

Explo increased search traffic 18x

Explo wasted no time on scaling their SEO content with Letterdrop

Read the case study

Increased Traffic

They went from 6k search visits per month to 70k


More signups

Uptick of 1,736% in sign ups from search


Paid search leads

Saw 1,100% increase in signups from paid search

Ready to drive more qualified traffic?

SEO is changing. Stop wasting time with outdated techniques. We helped build Google Search and now want to help you create helpful content to be discovered by your buyers.


How is Letterdrop different from other SEO optimization tools?

Letterdrop is the only SEO tool that optimizes for both people and Google. It helps you:
• answer search intent
• understand what topics (not just keywords) are already covered today
• identify new ideas that haven't been talked about (information gain)
• follow technical SEO best practices
• build internal links

Can I just use ChatGPT to achieve the same results?

Nope. Letterdrop pulls from different data sources - the top pages on the SERP, your Google Search Console, and first party data. We've spent thousands of hours studying SEO best practices and implementing them so that you can just focus on your customers, not the nitpicky details of SEO.

Will Letterdrop bring me more qualified traffic?

Check out our case studies, where our customers have seen 18x traffic and 11x paid customers from running content SEO programs with Letterdrop.