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February 23, 2024

Top 4 Programmatic SEO Tools

Keelyn Hart
Content Writer at Letterdrop


  • Investing in programmatic SEO for low-competition keywords is crucial for capturing traffic.
  • Letterdrop, byword.ai, Typemat, and PageFactory are the top 4 programmatic SEO tools to consider.
  • Integrations with popular CMS platforms make it easy to implement programmatic SEO strategies.
  • Choose a tool that combines AI, templates, and proprietary data for the best results in SEO at scale.

You're thinking of investing in programmatic SEO to capture traffic for your low-competition, transactional-intent keywords.

Luckily, there are multiple low-cost tools out there that can help you generate your programmatic pages.

Keep in mind that spammy and generic outputs won't push your site visitors further along the funnel — and Google can catch you out. You need to pick a programmatic SEO tool that can help you scale while still retaining unique and helpful information for your prospects.

1. Letterdrop

Letterdrop was founded in 2021 by ex-Googlers and is a far safer byword.ai alternative.

Among its suite of smart SEO tooling that lets you optimize for the changing search landscape, it has a programmatic SEO tool that automatically identifies opportunities for programmatic pages on your site, pulling this data from sales calls, Google Search Console, and from top pages on the SERP.

It can then auto-generate these pages for you, pairing proprietary data with AI-generated content to create truly unique and helpful pages.

This is a feature completely unique to Letterdrop.

Identify and auto-generate opportunities for programmatic SEO with Letterdrop
Identify and auto-generate opportunities for programmatic SEO with Letterdrop

Notable Integrations

Letterdrop integrates directly with Webflow, WordPress, Contently, Strapi and more, allowing you to seamlessly connect your database and template pages to your programmatic tool.


  • Does not include image files in its outputs

2. byword.ai

byword.ai was also founded in 2021 and is an AI-powered article writer that can generate long and short-form content both individually and in large batches.

The tool makes it very easy for you to scale programmatic pages with the "Batch Generator." All you have to do is:

  • Name your project
  • Upload a CSV file of keywords

byword.ai article batch generator for programmatic SEO
byword.ai article batch generator for programmatic SEO

‎Keep in mind that you'll have to pay for all the outputs you generate. It costs over $10/article.

Notable Integrations

byword connects with WordPress as well as to an API so that you can build your own integrations.


  • Based on keywords alone — there's no ability to make the outputs more unique using AI instructions. This increases the risk of your pages being flagged by Google

3. Typemat

Typemat is a dedicated programmatic SEO platform that was founded in 2022.

Here's how it works:

  1. Upload a Google Sheets CSV to Typemat
  2. Map the columns to your database
  3. Write an HTML template that includes heading and paragraph structure in markdown
  4. Download the output
  5. Upload it to your CMS

Configuring programmatic pages in Typemat
Configuring programmatic pages in Typemat

Notable Integrations

Typemat connects with CMS platforms like WordPress, Webflow, and Wix for your convenience.


  • No native AI assistance — you have to apply AI writing within Google Sheets itself
  • Requires you to add code to format the pages

4. PageFactory

Founded in 2022, PageFactory works similarly to most other tools on the list. It's also codeless, which benefits less technical SEOs and content folks.

To get your programmatic pages with PageFactory:

  1. Upload a CSV file containing your data and keywords
  2. Create a template for all your pages to follow, using placeholders for certain data points
  3. Map columns to your database

An example of a template in PageFactory
An example of a template in PageFactory

Notable Integrations

At the time of writing, PageFactory integrates with both WordPress and Webflow.


  • Since only one template is used, you'll like get "thin" content that's repetitive and merely a duplicate of other pages — this could flag Google

Some Common FAQs:

How Do I Find Keywords for Programmatic SEO?

To find keywords for programmatic SEO, start by identifying head terms — these are the main, broad keywords have high search volume and low competition. Use tools like Ahrefs or Semrush.

Then, look for modifiers that can be added to these head terms to make them more specific. Finally, compile a list of primary and secondary modifiers to use in your SEO strategy.

How Do I Create a Programmatic SEO Page?

To create a programmatic SEO page:

  1. Find versatile head terms with high search volume
  2. Prepare your CMS collection to store data
  3. Compile data in spreadsheets — this can be proprietary data or from more public sources
  4. Optional: use AI to expand on these data points
  5. Connect your template with a database
  6. Optimize your pages for best SEO practices and EEAT criteria

How Much Does Programmatic SEO Cost?

The cost of programmatic SEO can vary depending on the scale and services needed. On average, businesses typically budget between $500 to $10,000 per month for SEO services. Hourly rates for SEO services usually range from $100 to $300.

Choose a Programmatic SEO Tool That Facilitates Unique Pages

Most programmatic SEO tools rely on AI-generated writing alone to generate your pages — this will get you nowhere with your users, and Google can flag these pages as spam.

If you want to create genuinely helpful pages, you have to pair AI and templates with proprietary data. Placeholders and keywords alone will only lead to thin and spammy content.

Our programmatic SEO tools can help you achieve SEO at scale — the right way. Reach out to us today.

Ready to create programmatic pages the right way?

Letterdrop lets you pair proprietary data with smart AI tooling to create truly unique pages.

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