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February 14, 2024

7 Brightedge Alternatives

Keelyn Hart
Content Writer at Letterdrop


  • BrightEdge offers robust SEO reports, but if you're looking for a tool that helps you fix on-page issues and cover information gaps, there are alternatives available.
  • Letterdrop is a smart SEO assistant that can optimize for search intent, relevant topic coverage, and new perspectives. It also offers auto-fix for SEO issues and integrates with various CMS platforms.
  • seoClarity is a highly customizable SEO platform that offers deep analytics and ROI reporting, suitable for companies of all sizes.
  • Moz is known for its site-crawling capabilities and offers basic recommendations for topical optimization. It also provides insights into competitors' performance.
  • Semrush is a popular keyword research and SEO tool that offers in-depth keyword analysis, competitor research, and technical SEO features.
  • Ahrefs is known for its keyword research capabilities and also offers a Site Audit feature to identify and fix technical SEO issues.
  • Dashword is a user-friendly tool that offers live SEO suggestions and AI writing assistance, suitable for small content teams or bloggers.
  • Conductor is an enterprise-level SEO tool that focuses on generating customer intent insights and offers features like keyword research, competition analysis, and content optimization.

BrightEdge is best known for its robust SEO forecasting and reporting features — but maybe you're looking for an SEO tool that can actually help you fix on-page and cover information gaps to get ranking.

The tool you choose should be helping you adapt to rank higher on the SERPs in a time of changing search. We've put together a list of the best BrightEdge alternatives out there today.

An Overview of BrightEdge

So, what is BrightEdge, and what is it used for?

BrightEdge is a venture-backed SEO tool founded by Jim Yu and Lemuel Park. It's used by SEOs, digital marketers, content marketers, and CMOs. It helps them identify customer demand and intent, enabling them to create focused and optimized content.

Its features include:

  • Forecasting and real-time data features to help predict trends in traffic and revenue
  • Competitor keyword analysis to help identify opportunities to outrank them
  • Conversational keyword research, primarily focusing on top-of-funnel question keywords for voice search optimization
  • Intent signals that alert you to changes on the SERPs

BrightEdge is best used a high-level enterprise SEO tool. It's forecasting capabilities are excellent, but it doesn't really get into the nitty gritty of optimizing for technical SEO or for complete topical optimization.

That's where its competitors come in.

1. Letterdrop

Topical optimization with Letterdrop
Topical optimization (including information gain) with Letterdrop

Founded by former PMs on the Google Search team, Letterdrop is a smart people-first SEO assistant that can help you identify and automatically optimize for search intent, relevant topic coverage, and new perspectives. The assistant is built into a marketer-friendly editor connected to a full-service content management platform and AI-assisted workflows.

This helps you close all the information gaps on the SERPs today to give your readers a complete answer to end their search journey.

Its suite of SEO tooling can also identify and auto-fix SEO issues both on-page and across your site, taking technical SEO off your hands.

What's more, it can push content from the editor directly to any CMS or custom site, including Webflow, WordPress, Contentful, Sanity, Strapi, and Medium.

Key Features

In a nutshell, Letterdrop's SEO tool semantically understands content across your site and can:

  1. Identify Search Intent and let you know you whether the search is informational, navigational, commercial or transactional. It analyzes top pages and suggests the best format you should use to get ranking
  2. Provide insight into what has been covered on the SERPs so that you know what needs to be addressed. You can auto-generate unique sections into your content and compile research from the SERPs
  3. Suggest topics and new angles that haven't been covered yet so that you optimize for Information Gain.
  4. Give you an EEAT guide specific to your content to make sure all your bases are covered.
  5. Automatically fix over 60 on-page technical SEO rules, such as internal links, keyword placement, alt text, and more
  6. Auto-add, fix and publish links across your site
  7. Monitor your pages for you with detailed reports for necessary refreshes

Who is Letterdrop Best For?

Letterdrop is best suited to companies with:

  • A full-time Content Marketing Manager
  • A dedicated operation around content marketing

It's also for content teams who hope to optimize content no matter the search changes that get thrown their way in the coming years. The tooling is consistently updated to reflect changes in the search climate, including making sure you optimize for Google's SGE and Perspectives.

2. seoClarity

One of seoClarity
One of seoClarity's deeply customizable SEO dashboards

seoClarity is a highly customizable SEO platform, offering deep analytics, full-service support, and ROI reporting. This makes it incredibly scalable and suited to companies of all sizes.

Key Features:

  • Analyzes keyword rankings, identifies improvement opportunities, and suggests strategies to increase organic traffic.
  • Monitors and analyzes backlink profiles to identify potential issues or improvement opportunities.
  • Allows analysis of search trends and identifies popular topics or keywords to target in SEO strategy.
  • On-page technical analysis and suggestions for improvement

Who is seoClarity Best For?

While seoClarity is highly scalable, it's particularly useful to larger organizations with heavy websites.

3. Moz

Moz identifies site-wide issues and recommends improvements
Moz identifies site-wide issues and recommends improvements

Moz is perhaps best known as a site-crawler, but it is capable of making basic recommendations for topical optimization. There are two main plans: Moz Pro and Moz Local, but will evaluate Moz holistically.

It was Moz who developed the concept of domain authority (DA) and DA tracking — the tool has a very comprehensive backlink tracker.

Key Features

  • Access to multiple search engines including Yahoo, Bing, Google, and Google Mobile
  • Identifies technical SEO issues like 4XX errors, metadata issues, and redirect problems for improved website performance. It then suggests the improvements you can make
  • Offers keyword rank tracking and PDF report generation for more detailed reporting
  • Provides insights into competitors' performance, aiding in identifying opportunities to gain a competitive edge

Who is Moz Best For?

Moz Local is best suited to smaller businesses hoping to increase visibility within a fixed area.

Moz Pro can work for medium-to-large companies hooping to keep track of a bigger website.

4. Semrush

The Semrush SEO writing assistant
The Semrush SEO writing assistant

Semrush is arguably one of the most popular keyword research and SEO tools on the market today.

Aside from powerful and in-depth keyword and competitor research, it does offer some technical SEO and content marketing features.

Key Features

  1. In-depth keyword research and competitor analysis tools that help you understand keyword difficulty, keyword gaps, SERP features, identify basic search intent, and more
  2. The On-Page SEO Audit compares a page to ten competitors and based on that suggests ideas, semantically related words to include on your pages, target content length and readability, and backlink prospects
  3. The Site Audit lets you see surface-level issues like duplicate content and broken links, and in-depth analysis of AMPs, HTTPS, crawlability and indexability
  4. The SEO Writing Assistant evaluates your content against:
    1. Readability, based on top page word count
    2. Basic SEO checks, such as keyword inclusion and image alt text

Who is Semrush Best For?

You can use Semrush in combination with other tooling (such as Letterdrop) to cover your SEO bases, but generally it's recommended to small to medium-sized businesses getting into SEO.

5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs instructs you on how to fix technical issues
Ahrefs instructs you on how to fix technical issues

Most marketers know Ahrefs as one of the best keyword research tools on the market, but it also has a Site Audit feature to crawl your site.

It pinpoints all the technical SEO issues on your site and, unlike ScreamingFrog, presents this data along with detailed "how-to-fix" recommendations. This helps you tackle issues as they come up.

It identifies and recommends fixes for the following technical issues (and more):

  • incoming and outgoing links
  • performance issues
  • missing HTML tags, including metadata and meta descriptions
  • resource problems, and more.

The Site Audit also comes with a Data Explorer that lets you use more specific parameters when performing your audit. From displaying data on a specific property for a segment of pages to screening it out entirely across every crawled page, you can filter URLs:

  • based on a previous or current crawl
  • based on their HTTP status code
  • based on specific content parameters, such as word count or title length
  • based on whether they're indexable, and more

6. Dashword

Content monitoring in Dashword
Content monitoring in Dashword

Dashword has been around since 2020, and once again offers a content editor, live SEO suggestions, and AI writing assistance.

Much like most of the above tools, the SEO suggestions are based on the keyword coverage and word count of top pages on the SERP for your target keyword.

It assigns top results and your own content with a letter grade based on the above data.

Key Features

  1. An AI assistant built into the editor that can help you generate an introduction, finish a thought, correct grammar, and rephrase sentences. There's also a helpful meta description generator
  2. A brief builder based on keywords and headers from top pages
  3. A readability score as well as an SEO score
  4. As well as a keyword research tool, Dashword offers a content monitoring feature that plugs into Google Analytics data to show you what content is no longer performing well on the SERPs

Who is Dashword Best For?

Dashword is easy to use and can cover the very basics of writing for SEO. We would recommend it for a small content team or a blogger.

7. Conductor

Audience analysis in Conductor
Audience analysis in Conductor

Conductor is an enterprise-level SEO tool that focuses on generating customer intent insights. It offers features like keyword research, competition analysis, performance tracking, content optimization, distribution automation, and performance measurement.

Key Features of Conductor:

  • The Keyword Tracker monitors visibility across domains, social media pages, and Amazon listings
  • It can conduct technical site audits to help you increase visibility
  • It enables A/B testing and instant page edits
  • Its Impact Measurer can correlate team efforts to tangible results
  • Winning Content Creation: Provides AI

Who is Conductor Best For?

Conductor is best used as an enterprise-level SEO tool for SEO specialists and content marketers.

Which BrightEdge Alternative Is Best for Me?

You don't want to end up in a situation where you're wasting money on an SEO tool that is doing nothing for your content.

Unfortunately, BrightEdge and most of its alternatives primarily focus on keywords to determine topical and competitive optimization. This won't help you truly cover the information gaps out there on the SERPs.

Letterdrop is thinking about the future of search and how to use AI to take the SEO basics off your hands, from topical coverage to internal linking. Reach out to us to put SEO best practices on autopilot.

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